Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Trackwork Modifications - Part 2

 Well, here I am in the posture that I had to maintain for about a week as I had to lean over the lower main to get tot he area where i am putting in the crossing. My elbows were a mess by the time I was done.
 This is what I am laboring on. You can see my test truck and the gauges to check the track.
 I am also putting in the other end of the passing track and then I have to build the station siding. I use the long aluminum piece to try to maintain alignment.
 Turnouts are in and I have to cut the ties to make them gradually longer as the route diverges. I am generating a lot of dust though.
 You can see that I get quite a bit of waste material as the ties are cut but it looks good.
 Cleaned up view with the station in place. There will be a backdrop to the left of the station when we are done. It will hide the pole that is in this view. The station will also be painted in more appropriate PRR colors. I got this one cheap due to its garish color. Fortunately, these MTH structures do come apart to a good degree.
 Here is a view with the station siding in. I will not finish the length of the track until I do the backdrop so I know exactly where the station will end up.
 A long view down to the other crossover.
The throat of the yard and station area is starting to look busy with a lot of turnouts.

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