Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Hill Moves Forward

I next covered the webbing with my red rosin paper and then a layer of plaster cloth. 
I worked around building onto the existing hill and raising its peak to cover the end of the photo. The plaster cloth then drops down to meet the foam hill. 
Alan sold me some of his excess Sculptamold which is like paper mache and showed me how to mix it. He suggested I add my earth color, which is a tan latex paint, to the mix. The resultant mix came out like tan mayonnaise and I troweled it onto the plaster base. It has a sort of a rough finish which will be covered in ground foam. 
I carried the paper mache down to the foam hill where I stopped for the night. It stuck to the foam very nicely.

 So, the hill looks very nice and I need to now set up the foam base along the wall to the bridge at the end of Herndon. I also have to think about how to vary the surface to look more naturally. I may try some red rosin paper to smooth the layers into a single slope. 

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