Sunday, July 7, 2024

Some new Steam coming

I am taking a break in the shop as I have a couple of Key H10's to restore. They are heavily tarnished and missing parts. Fortunately, I have a lot of parts and a sandblaster. My wife also found an old Mobil shirt and wanted to see me in it. 
As I begin the project, I had to make some custom screws as You have seen before - the bolster screw for a Flying F7. Here is the set up to slot the new screw I need for the drawbar connection between the engine and the tender. 
It is somewhat hard to make out, but the saw will cut a slot in the head of that screw blank that is sticking out of that smaller vertical vise. It cam e our well and now, after sandblasting , I have been able to prime and paint one color on the engine. Next, I have to mask and paint a red deck on the tender. 

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