Sunday, July 7, 2024

More scenery work - additional backdrop

Well, as we work to complete Herdon, it is time to add the backdrop so we can press on to the foreground. You can see the end of the plaster work around the tunnel. We started the photo at a height of about 18 inches such that the 3D hill can come down in front of the joint. 
Here is an overview showing the full three panels of the picture. It is a wooded hill behind a field. I have to build a hillock that runs along the base over to the right where I will install a false bridge.  
Closer down to the end where the bridge will disguise the track disappearing to the hidden storage area.

The green foam will be the base of the hillock. It has to be cut and blended into it.

This is the end where the bridge will go. You can see a placement of a pier between the tracks. 
The hillock will just cover the lower white border of the photo. 
There will be some trees on the hillock that aid in merging the 3D with the 2D of the picture. 
This shows the curve that the scenery will have to follow. 
This is an overview of the whole area. The town of Herdon will be on the left of the main line which is under the newsprint. 

Our next job is to cover the picture with saran wrap so we can plaster up around it without damaging the photo. 

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